Times gone by…

The world is getting ready to celebrate and venture into another new year. Some folks will be boisterous, some contemplative, others will party in clubs while many will be participating in public activities along with thousands of other revelers. And there will be some people who will bring in the new year at home watching world-wide celebrations on TV, having a favorite libation, and probably munching on specialty hors d’oeuvres. So… What are you doing New Year’s Eve? Nancy Wilson - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve https://youtu.be/G1YbfCQmr4o At aaduna , we continue to recognize our winter 2017-18 contributors and hope you follow their full-length work when the issue is launched in a few weeks. Whatever you plan to do or are doing, let Frank Heather and Denise R. Ervin engulf your spirit. Here is a snippet from Heather’s “XI.” Frank Heather (photo provided XI. scene 11: she demands...