Bennett did captivate, educate, and enhanced the poetic word
On a bi-monthly basis, using the 2nd and 4th Thursday, the Cayuga Museum, Olive Trees, and aaduna host a literary series where creative people who use "words" to define and shape their creativity are invited to share their work in a pleasant and comfortable environment. The series, ( ) hosted in Auburn, NY's Theater Mack, which is the performance space for the Museum, includes an open mic session after the featured speaker's presentation and Q&A session. With beverage and snack service, cabaret and traditional auditorium seating, the ambiance is nurturing and welcoming.
The admission is $3/person with all proceeds benefiting the Museum's core programs and exhibitions.
Last Thursday, "word, revisited" welcomed a retired Bruce Bennett who continues to do, what is his passion, write words.
Here is a reflection from bill berry, aaduna's publisher.
"I first met Professor Bennett back in the late Nineties when I served as a dean of strategic planning and institutional initiatives at Cayuga Community College in Auburn, NY. At that time, I was working on a collaborative institutional partnership to create a seamless transfer opportunity for graduating CCC students to gain junior year status at Wells College, a prestigious institution overlooking Cayuga Lake in Aurora, NY. Without getting caught up in his academic background and scholarly achievements, on the first meeting, I surmised that this man was a cool dude, a valued partner, a colleague. Flash forward to a few decades later. I still think that Bruce Bennett is a cool dude. I will not bore you with his outstanding education and achievements (think Harvard for baccalaureate, Masters and Ph.D degrees…10 full length poetry books and over 25 poetry chapbooks…think retired Emeritus Professor, former chair of the English Department and director of Creative Writing at Wells College). I would rather focus on his most recent book, Just Another Day in Just Our Town, Poems: New and Selected, 2000-2016. Cited with critical acclaim, this book is “the continuous play with form, narrative, voice, and character….It may be just another day in just our town, but it is a day with everything in it, and it is no more ordinary than our extraordinary lives.” With that noted, let’s focus on Bruce’s permanently-etched congenial spirit. His graciousness. His willingness to share his creative work with the larger community."
Esteemed author and poet, Dr. Bruce Bennett read work from his poetry book, "Just Another Day in Our Town." https:// justanotherdayinjustourtown .com/
during the "word, revisited" program offers those attending a chance to
meet with the featured writer/poet/artist, buy their book and mingle
with fellow artists. Its a GREAT TIME! — at Cayuga Museum of History and Art & Case Research Lab.
Raffle time! Three lucky winners received a family membership to The Cayuga Museum of History and Art & Case Research Lab,
a special edition Flock of Free Range Children T-Shirt, and a
complimentary ticket to aaduna's May 25th fundraiser, "In Spirit of the
Harlem Renaissance, Capturing the Blues through Words and Music."
Some audience members celebrate "word" with Bruce Bennett.
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a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read,
multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal
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