Is today Hump Day? Get over it... the world is rotating forward!

Rakhshan Rizwan is a celebrated poet currently living in The Netherlands where she is a PhD candidate.  Her poems weave thoughtful human emotions that are enchantingly recognizable, accessible, and endearing.  She was born in Lahore, Pakistan and continues the tradition of thoughtful and relevant voices coming from that section of the globe.  Rakhshan 's work belongs in aaduna.  Before the end of the month, you will be able to read “Lahore,” “Hair,”and “Father Tongue.”  Here is a brief excerpt from “Hair:”


Hair is erasing hair,
on our skin, our arms, our feet, even
our toes, or growing in wholesome
bunches, in our ears;  the occasional rogue
hair that keeps protruding from our noses,
hair is picking at the fuzz on our upper lips,
Hair is subduing hair,
which bridge the gap between our brows; 

Want more?  Of course you do since Ms. Rizwan will take you to places that may have settled in the recesses, nooks and crannies of your consciousness.   

As we share a piece of work by Rizwan, aaduna's spring 2016 issue is being edited, coded and uploaded by genre and content segments for our final review.  It is coming soon. We can't wait. Can you?

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aaduna - a timeless exploration into words and images - is a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at where we put measurable actions to our words.

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