Poems and Poets 2020

Hey Folks, 

Once again “aadunanotes,” the official blog of aaduna, will celebrate National Poetry Month and graciously invites your participation and hope that you share your creativity with our global readership.

The Plan:

“aadunanotes” will feature 1 or 2 poets (established, emerging or new to the poetic genre) with 1-2 poems/individual. Poems previously published {cite publisher and year} or unpublished in any style are welcome.  The plan is to present work each day in April; poems will be posted in the order received, and the hope is to present all work submitted. The submitter will get the link to her/his posting and retain any copyrights.

The Process:
  •  Submit work in a Word.doc, Times New Roman, 12 font size positioned the way you want to see it presented with no other embedded features. Submissions can be sent immediately to info@aaduna.org with the Subject: April Poems. If a deluge of work is received, “aaduna notes” reserves the right to bring closure to submissions at its discretion, though the intent is to post all work received.

  • Include your full name and location, i.e. city, state/region, country of residence.
  •   A bio no longer then 1-3 sentences.
  • Current selfie (optional though appreciated) since readers like to associate a face or image with the work.
  •   Submitted work will be acknowledged with a blog posting date that may be subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances. 
Our Hope:

Please share this invite with other poets and creatives via your social media platforms.


Stay safe and blessed as we all maintain our individual strategies to deal with COVID-19.

Stay creative,


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aaduna - an online adventure with words and images - a globally read, multi-cultural, and diverse online literary and visual arts journal established in 2010.  Visit us at www.aaduna.org where we put measurable actions to our words.

Help us build community!  Share with your friends,  "like" our @Aaduna-Inc facebook page and follow us on twitter @ aadunaspeaks !  

aaduna-Inc aaduna-Inc  Visit regularly for updates !
